Snow Days=Lazy Days

Dallas had some record snowfall- some areas got up to 12.5 inches from Wednesday night to Friday morning.  I'm not sure how much we got in my actual county, but it was quite a bit.  Both Thursday and Friday the hub went to work late to avoid the crazies on the road.  That somehow translated into me not working out in the morning for 2 days in a row, for the first time in 3 weeks!  I am pretty dissappointed in myself. 
And what is it about cold weather that makes one want to eat more, fatty foods?  It is probably because we are cooped up inside and boredom sets in, but I had a lot of trouble saying no.  Chris and I just got into Dexter, and of course we are watching the Olympics.  Hopefully that will start to motivate me some more. 
Here is a picture taken on Friday evening.  We each did a snow angel- even 9 month old E!  All of the snow is melted by now.

From left to right, G's angel, Chris' angel, Moe's angel, and E's angel.  That is G in the purple coat.

Earlier tonight, we did these animal exercises in our living room.  They are exercises where you have to walk like different animals.  We tried to get G into it but she just wanted to watch.  It was probably really funny to watch- especially doing the monkey! 
I can't wait until it gets warmer around here.  (I will be eating my words when it is sweltering in July) I need to start running, and I don't want to join a gym.  I am going to wake up and work out tomorrow though, I promise!

I am so excited that we have 30 followers now!  We are thinking about doing a giveaway if we get to 100, so tell your friends!


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