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- 05/2010
Picking up the pace...
I lost 3.5 lbs this week!! I am on cloud nine! This might be my biggest loss in a week yet. I even beat out the hub, who lost a not-so-shabb...
Newest obsession...
Lettuce wraps. Marinate some chicken in some yummy sauce, cook it and throw all sorts of grated veggies together and serve in a romaine let...
My hub is totally being the biggest loser police. Have you worked out today? Want to work out again? What did you eat? How many calories...
2 weeks left...
until biggest loser is over! My hub and I are winning, but almost neck and neck are Moe and her hub. My husband has almost lost 50 lbs, and ...
Keep it coming
Weigh in was ok today! I lost 2.8 lbs in this 2 week time frame. We are still in 2nd place with the Biggest Loser. The hub is totally tal...
Broken Scale
We have a digital scale, so I guess its not technically broken, just out of batteries. But we don't have any lying around our house, so...
Competitors or twinnies?
This is in response to Moe's last post. You are going down!!!!! :) My husband and I are also going to buckle down these last 3 weeks and...
Biggest Loser is winding down...
So the results from last week's BL weigh-in are in, and the hub and I won! My percentage alone beat out any other couple, so that was q...
Bison Burgers and Barbecues
Our family is a little obsessed with barbecuing. We pretty much grill out 10 months per year. And when we have people over, its always goi...
I Lost My Baby...in pounds!
Before you read this post, go take a gander at my weight loss ticker. Are you amazed? I have lost 22 lbs! I am so freaking pumped!! The ...
Glass VS Water Bottle
This past week, a high school friend of mine, K, came to visit. We had a lovely time catching up, playing with the girls and she was just g...
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