My hub is totally being the biggest loser police.  Have you worked out today?  Want to work out again?  What did you eat?  How many calories is that?  Did you write it all down?  Want to work out again?  Again?  Again?  
Ok, maybe thats a bit of an exaggeration, but like my post says, is is crunchtime!  And he is making sure we are both on track.  Each day is precious- we have to lose as much as we can each day.  If I were this focused from the very beginning, I might be in a size 6 right now.  Harhar.  That hasn't happened since high school!  I am getting my teeth professionally whitened for the next 2 weeks.  That means that for 2 hours a night I have to keep my trays in my mouth without eating or drinking anything!  And then there shouldn't be any eating 2 hours after that.  So that will help me avoid all late night snacking.  Late night snacking is my biggest weakness.  I can go all day eating right and on track.  After the kids are in bed and the tv goes on, I just want to raid the pantry!  We don't really have a lot of snickysnacks around the house, so I resort to ridiculous combinations of food.  I have been known to eat a the rest of the bag of marshmallows.  
On the exercise front, I am not going to any fancy workout classes like Shan, but I am managing to get out and walk for 40-60 minutes per day.  I am in the process of starting a walking group with my nearby mommy-friends, so that should pay off.  Today, my sweet little E turned 1.  Sniff sniff.  How time flies.  See ya!


  1. A walking group??? What are you going to do? Can I join??? I sure need some motivation!

    P.S. Y'all look great!


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