It has been such a long time...

and I apologize. Especially to Moe, and that she didn't bug me all that much to get on and write something. I got an iPhone the first week of February, and it has nearly eliminated my use of the Internet on a computer. Who needs to wait for a computer to boot up, when I have the Internet and great apps at my fingertips on my phone? So that is my excuse for not writing, and again I apologize.

I hope the weight loss train is going well for all. As Moe had mentioned on our Facebook page, I signed up with a personal trainer. Now, before you go thinking that this is crazy, just listen. We have an apartment gym that is included in the cost of the apartment. I have noticed a personal trainer there working with different people from time to time when I am on the treadmill. So, I sauntered up to him next day, and asked what his "deal" was. Turns out, he focuses specifically in women's training, and he said the first session is free, so that you can decide on your own if you want to continue. So, I tried it the first time, and I loved it! It made me realize that just running isn't really getting that great of a workout. So I signed up for 13 sessions, and we'll see if I continue after that. The cost is less than a normal trainer, plus we aren't paying for the gym, so I feel as though I can justify it.

I have had 3 training sessions, and everyday, I wake up sore. It's kind of annoying, to be honest. According to my trainer, the pain never goes away either, especially if you continue to push yourself with different exercises. Whew! I have another one tonight, I hope it goes well! Happy Monday!


  1. I HATE being sore. I feel like it makes me lazier. I just got finished working out myself, and now I don;t want to get off the couch!

  2. Hello Ladies:) I like to view soreness as a promise of future progress. But it sure seems stick around longer than it used to! Love u both. Sending motivational thoughts your way :)

  3. Hi there!

    I found you on "Friday Follow" and am now following you through Google Friend Connect. I look forward to reading more of your posts! Come on over and visit us when you get a free moment. <3

  4. Having a personal trainer is awesome! I had one for a few months a couple summers ago, and it is still a huge benefit in my work out regimen. Once you have learned a variety of workouts, you can put them together and make up your own routine. I actually love being sore...makes me feel like I accomplished something at my previous work out, it's even better if you can get someone to give you a message :)! love you girls!


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