Late weigh in

Sorry I didn't post yesterday!  It was a busy day since it was so gorgeous here in Dallas.  Instead of staying in and blogging, I went on two walks with my daughters and ended up at our park.  (I mean, can you blame me?)  This week's weigh in was much better, I lost 1.4 lbs.  I wish I could just be more consistent, but what can you do?  This was also biggest loser weigh in so I was at a total of 1.8 in 2 weeks and my husband was at 5+ for the 2 weeks.  It makes me crazy that men can lose so much so fast.  We are going to take some more walks today, as it is just as gorgeous as yesterday!


  1. Its seriously so much easier for men. Congrats though, every pound counts. It just means your moving closer to your goal. Its a lifelong journey

    Anyways, I found you via FF and am happy to now be following. Follow back at


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