Shan's beginning

Like most women I know, I am not 100% satsified with my weight. Since college, I have tried to lose weight 3 times. The first two times, I lost less than 10lbs and gained it back. The last and most recent time I lost 21 lbs. How did I do it? I had a wedding dress to fit into. I wanted to look great, and well, I did. :) The wedding was in September. I have gained half of that weight back. Not only is it unhealthy to gain that amount of weight in a short time, it's extra depressing because I gave away all of my "fat clothes" and now the clothes I do own are starting to get tight on me. I need something that will jump start me into losing weight again! I don't see a wedding dress in my future, so I want this blog to hold me accountable, and be my motivator. I want to lose those lbs that put me in that wedding dress, and then some. Moe and I can help eachother! We want to be Skinnie Twinnies!! We are going to track our weight through this blog, share recipes, and even share our daily intake of food. Stay tuned for our first weigh-in.


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