The Ugly Truth

I gained weight while in Atlanta.  Since the birth of this blog, I have never gained.  I can't say I am surprised or anything.  I had all the best intentions to exercise and write down what I ate while in Atlanta, but it just didn't happen.  I would start out eating healthy and in small portions, but by the end of the day, my bro in law Ed would open up the bar and I was like putty when he would shake out a margarita for me.  Then there was the Easter candy that seemed to last all week long.  Reese's eggs=EVIL!!!

Shan got food poisoning the night before our scheduled personal training session, so that got nixed.  My husband has gained as well, so we are a little depressed about it.  BUT!  We are getting right back on the wagon.  Take a look at the latest skinnie twinnie pic:

You should see Shan.  She is HOT!  I haven't seen her this skinnie in a long time.  I am so jealous proud of her!  I will post more about ATL later, but I just wanted to send out an update to the blogosphere!


  1. I am a new friend from FF. Hope to see you over at my place sometime. Come by and enter my giveaway and become a follower.

    I also host a Fat Butt Friday every Friday (except this one of course cause I had a workshop this week) but come by and check it out.


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