Before and Afters part 3: Shan and Tom

Here is their lovely wedding day: And again, 10 months later: I mean seriously.  How skinnie can you ...

Before and Afters part 2: Shan and Moe

Here are the ones you have all been waiting for.  I am going to post a few from last weekend.  None of them are really full length pictures ...

Before and Afters part 1: Moe and Chris

Over July 4th weekend, the family went to St. Louis to visit family and meet my little sister's inlaws.  We went to a St. Louis Cardina...

Its been 2 weeks

I took 2 weeks off.  2 weeks off of dieting, and consequently, blogging.  I felt a little guilty eating ice cream and then thinking, shoot! ...

The Results are in...

Congrats to Tom and Shan!  They lost a combined 68 lbs (17.32%) in 4 months.  My hub won biggest loser male (outside of the bl couple) at 17...


YAY for us turning 28 today! Wish the skinnie twinnies could be together today. :( There is always next year!!

Picking up the pace...

I lost 3.5 lbs this week!! I am on cloud nine! This might be my biggest loss in a week yet. I even beat out the hub, who lost a not-so-shabb...

Newest obsession...

Lettuce wraps.  Marinate some chicken in some yummy sauce, cook it and throw all sorts of grated veggies together and serve in a romaine let...


My hub is totally being the biggest loser police.  Have you worked out today?  Want to work out again?  What did you eat?  How many calories...

2 weeks left...

until biggest loser is over! My hub and I are winning, but almost neck and neck are Moe and her hub. My husband has almost lost 50 lbs, and ...

Keep it coming

Weigh in was ok today!  I lost 2.8 lbs in this 2 week time frame.  We are still in 2nd place with the Biggest Loser.  The hub is totally tal...

Broken Scale

We have a digital scale, so I guess its not technically broken, just out of batteries.  But we don't have any lying around our house, so...

Competitors or twinnies?

This is in response to Moe's last post. You are going down!!!!! :) My husband and I are also going to buckle down these last 3 weeks and...

Biggest Loser is winding down...

So the results from last week's BL weigh-in are in, and the hub and I won!  My percentage alone beat out any other couple, so that was q...

Bison Burgers and Barbecues

Our family is a little obsessed with barbecuing.  We pretty much grill out 10 months per year.  And when we have people over, its always goi...

I Lost My Baby...in pounds!

Before you read this post, go take a gander at my weight loss ticker.  Are you amazed?  I have lost 22 lbs!  I am so freaking pumped!!  The ...

Glass VS Water Bottle

This past week, a high school friend of mine, K, came to visit.  We had a lovely time catching up, playing with the girls and she was just g...

Getting my Groove Back!

I lost 2.6 this week!  I wrote down everything I ate, and didn't go off the diet at all this week.  I have been walking a lot lately.  T...

Jamie Oliver and Juice +

I'm sure every wellness/exercise/diet blog out there has in one way or another talked about Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution .  I DVRe...

Blah blah blah you get the point!

Hi everyone.  I have had some serious problem with blogging.  I have signed in and started to write a post so many times and then I just get...

So, neither twinnie has written in a while,

and I know you have missed us! Not much new to report here, just plugging along. I'm still working out with the personal trainer and try...

Another engagement! Another motivation!

Besides my skinnie twinnie Shan, I haven't talked much about my family.  I am the 2nd oldest of 5- Meg, me, Shan, Col, and Ry.  Meg is t...

The Ugly Truth

I gained weight while in Atlanta.  Since the birth of this blog, I have never gained.  I can't say I am surprised or anything.  I had al...

Cleaning Out My Closet

So I have been packing ALL DAY LONG.  I really hate packing, and I procrastinate by doing ANYthing else.  Organize my sock drawer, clean the...


Days I worked out this week: 0 Days I wrote down what I ate (tracked): 0 Getting a stomach bug 2 days ago which leads to the biggest weig...

Family family!

This week, the McHugh clan is taking over Atlanta. I can't describe how excited I am. My parents and brother got in Monday, my little si...

I'm Loving....

Thomas Bagel Thins! Did you think that once you started dieting you wouldn't be able to enjoy a bagel anymore?  Well, these 110 calorie...

Still slowing down...

So last week I didn't weigh in because I was afraid of the amount of weight I had gained. But, I summoned the courage, and I weighed in ...


Chris and I are the biggest loser winner for this weigh-in!  Yay!  It was a very close race this week, including one team that should have w...

My "unofficial" review of P90X

I have gotten a lot of emails and blog and Facebook comments asking me about P90X.  Is it effective?  Would you recommend it?  Is it hard? ...

Blog = Motivation, No Blog = Lazy

It is amazing how motivating this blog is!  The more I blog, the better I diet and exercise.  Unfortunately, the less I blog then the diet k...

Slooooooowing down...

I feel like my weight loss is at a standstill. I haven't weighed in yet this week, mostly due to my husbands family visiting and the fac...

I'll scratch your back f you scratch mine!

Or rather, I will follow you if you follow me!  Happy Friday Follow!

Late weigh in

Sorry I didn't post yesterday!  It was a busy day since it was so gorgeous here in Dallas.  Instead of staying in and blogging, I went o...

It has been such a long time...

and I apologize. Especially to Moe, and that she didn't bug me all that much to get on and write something. I got an iPhone the first we...

Girl Scout Cookies

They are absolutely evil.  Yesterday I went to the store to grab a few things for our very low fat dinner, and as I was walking out the gro...

Workout Weekend

The hub and I did a lot of exercise this weekend- and it better  will show in this weigh-in on Wednesday.  On Saturday morning we did some g...

Friday Follow!

Thanks for joining us!  For those of you new to this blog, we are twins blogging our journey through weight loss. We are also competing in...

Wyler's Light

Sometimes water gets boring.  I was getting sick of Crystal Light and the "off brand crystal light" from Kroger and Walmart.  I ca...


This week, I lost .4 lbs.  Not sure why exactly, because I stuck to the diet for the most part.  Little E is nursing less and less, so I too...

Wordless Wednesday: Egg Twinnies

These 5 yokes came from 4 eggs- can you find the "twins?" Great egg recipe and weigh in to follow! For More WW Check these out:...

Excuses, Excuses

I battle with putting off exercise EVERYDAY.  There is always something else I could be doing.  Laundry, TV, reading, talking on the phone, ...

Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

Dear Readers, I am so sorry it has been sooo long since I have blogged!  My computer broke and didn't get fixed for a whole week.  One ...

Another Friday Follow

Thanks for visiting!  Moe and Shan are twins blogging about their weight loss.  Shan and her husband and Moe and her husband are in teams in...

Weigh In Wednesday for Moe

Alright, back to the same old, same old.  I lost 1 lb this week.  I hope that doing a week's worth of P90X will make me lose waaaayyyyy ...


I just completed my first workout for the P90X series, Core Synergy.  Wowser!  It put all my dinky little Wii personal trainer workouts to s...

Valentine's dinner

My husband and I made the best dinner on Sunday. And it was weight watcher friendly! Without further adieu, the menu: Creole Style Stuffed ...

Snow Days=Lazy Days

Dallas had some record snowfall- some areas got up to 12.5 inches from Wednesday night to Friday morning.  I'm not sure how much we got ...

Happy Friday Follow!

Another day of following, let's get some more followers!  Could we get to 40 today? Go  here , here  or here to learn more! For tho...

And the winners are...

my husband and I! We won the biggest loser challenge this week, our combined percentage lost was the most out of everyone! I am so proud of ...

Skinnie Twinnies Unite!

We had such a fun weekend together!  We tried really hard to not eat too much, which is hard considering we went out for drinks and I had a ...

It's been a while...

and I apologize!! Things got busy last weekend with my trip to Dallas to reunite with my skinnie twinnie ! My husband and I also attended t...

Happy Friday Follow!

I got this great idea from Jo Shabo , and we want as many followers as possible!  Right now we have 15 followers and we want way more! HAP...

My hard work is paying off!!!

So weigh in was this morning, and I lost 2.8 lbs!!!!!  I was so excited this morning when I looked at the scale.  This week I increased my w...

...And Lots of Drops to Drink

I just thought I would "piggyback" on Shan's post by telling a little story. I have had the same obgyn for both births.  When ...

Water water, everywhere...

Another huge tool in losing weight is monitoring your beverage intake. To all soda drinkers out there: stop! There are 100-150 calories, dep...

Disappointed, again!

I lost 1.2 lbs since my last weigh in.  Woop-di-doo.  This week I worked out 5 out of 7 days, and one of those days I worked out twice!  I s...

Wii Personal Trainer

It is really hard to work out when you are a SAHM with little ones!  (actually, I feel like it is hard no matter what your situation in life...

Get your activity on!

So besides learning to eat well, the best way to become a Skinnie Twinnie is to exercise. Right now, my husband and I are working out everyd...

Starbuck's Skinny Vanilla Latte

As I was waiting for Costco to open today (I am never early for anything since having my second child, so this was a first) I saw across the...

My Weigh-in and a delicious beginning

I am a bit disappointed to report that I only lost 1 lb this week.  I can blame some of it on my disastrous weekend , but I have to see wher...