Days I worked out this week: 0
Days I wrote down what I ate (tracked): 0

Getting a stomach bug 2 days ago which leads to the biggest weight loss in a one or two week period: PRICELESS

I lost 3.6 lbs in ONE WEEK!!!  WOOOOOOHOOOOOO

Now I don't want anyone getting huffy with me, thinking that I am promoting bulimia or anything.  I would rather not have been up until 1:30am, sick and watching G get sick too.  That goes for the cleanup and the laundry the next day(and the day after). Especially considering I have to pack to go to Atlanta to see my family and SKINNIE TWINNIE!!!!  Life would have been easier if I didn't have to do all that.  I had to cancel a playgroup I was hosting, and opted out of a Juice + party I was excited about.
So maybe this huge weight loss will get me back into gear, especially now that I have a personal training session coming up!  Woohooooooo


  1. hey there - following from FF - hope you're feeling better!!!


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