Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

Dear Readers,
I am so sorry it has been sooo long since I have blogged!  My computer broke and didn't get fixed for a whole week.  One whole week of no internet- no facebook, no blogs, no checking emails, and what felt like no connection with the real world!  I sure did get a lot of stuff done around the house- I even considered maybe giving it up for lent, but ha, there is no way I can go there!
So to kind of recap what has been going on around here, I lost 2 more lbs this week, and Chris and I got 2nd place in the biggest loser weigh-in.  Shan continues to lose as well (and I know, you might ask, did her computer break too?  Where are her posts?  hmmmmm).  Our official losses are below on our tickers.  We now have 50 followers, which is an AMAZING feat, so keep it up!
My husband I are continuing with P90X, and ladies and gentlemen, it is HARD.  I am so sore right now!  Yesterday was an our and a half of yoga, and I can't do half the moves.   But I feel so good at the end of it all and so relaxed!  Makes me a little obsessed with yoga.  Tony Horton, the guy who made all the videos, is a BAMF.  He was 45 years old when he made this video (currently 52 years old!) and he hardly breaks a sweat while doing all the moves. He is a little corny and obnoxious too, but you gotta hand it to a 45 year old for doing all those really hard push ups.
So, if he can do it, then I can do it, right?  I'll keep you updated.  See you soon.


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